Lacking Enthusiasm? Me too. During the better weather months of the year, I go few places without my camera. The issue here is that I have dozens and dozens of digital images that sit on my hard drive waiting for the rainy day when I load up Lightroom. Now, living in the North of England a rainy day isn’t all that rare, and you would think that there is plenty of opportunity to process them? Clearly not for me. Reading and searching the internet, I see many photographers process their photos almost straight away, and post them around social media and their personal website, meanwhile I just wonder why I don’t!
This year, 2017, I have struggled to muster any enthusiasm for photography, and I have only been out once with a camera, and January is nearly over. That was also three weeks ago almost on the 10th of the month, and since I was using film which remains undeveloped at the minute. If I was going to have an afternoon in Lightroom playing with some images, I was going to have to revisit some digital files on the hard drive.
Back in September the wife and I took a ride on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway or NYMR, to Whitby for the day. Whitby is a seaside town on the North Yorkshire coast, and the town is split by the River Esk. Being a very much a working port this Esk river mouth is a perfect spot for fishermen to dock their vessels between their daily trips out to the North Sea.
The train on the NYMR was hauled to Whitby by a steam locomotive, 45428 ‘Eric Treacy’, built in Newcastle back in 1937 is now nearing 80 years old. The railway line is shared with the National Rail network from Grosmont to Whitby which allows an almost daily event of Steam operation on the mainline.
Some of the days photographs are in the Gallery below, click on the images for a larger view.